- During these days the city has turned into a floating museum where 49 yachts had unfurled their sails in an event dyed of tradition and modernity
- Moonbeam III, Avel, Yanira and Peter have been the winners of this VI Edition of the Regatta.
- The Mayor of the city, Xavier Trias, highlighted the transcendence of this event as am invaluable support for Barcelona’s internationalization.
One year more, the Puig Vela Clàssica Regatta turned Barcelona into the capital for the classic and vintage sailing capital of the Mediterranean. After five successful editions, the sixth regatta has secured itself at both national and international levels, by welcoming yachts from nine different countries of Europe and America. More than 700 sailors and 49 historic yachts have participated in this sixth race, consolidating it as one of the referent competitions of the regattas calendar for classic and vintage yachts.
The VI Edition of the Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona Regatta took place in an unsurpassable environment. Where sailors from nine different nationalities enjoyed both the magnificent conditions of the water of Barcelona and the fun and companionship of the Village at the Real Club Náutico of Barcelona.

From left to right: Jordi Puig, Vice President of the RCNB; Xavier Trías, Mayor of Barcelona; Marc Puig, President of Puig; and the skipper master of the Moonbeam IV
Furthermore, one of the incentives of this edition was that anyone who was in Barcelona and looked the horizon between the 10th and the 13th of July, was able to witness from the coast how this true sea legends paraded at less than a mile from the city. Legends that were abandoned and covered with mud for ages, “until some nautical lovers decided to recover them, mainly during the 70’s” Explained Toni Tió (Puig’s collaborator, President of yhr Catalan Maritime Forum and world winner , winner of the Copa del Rei and winner of Spain). “By that time the original plans needed to restore the yachts weren’t on Internet. So we had to sig some basements to recover those yachts”, added Tió
Marc Puig highlighted the recognition of the regatta for the City’s development: “The perfect integration of this regatta with Barcelona by the arts, the sailing and the commerce ways; explain the compromised of Puig with our city joined to its business trajectory”.
The Mayor of Barcelona, Xavier Trias, also pointed the transcendence of this event at an international level. “Quality events like this regatta are an invaluable help for Barcelona’s internationalization, a coast city that cares about the sport and the healthy life of its citizens. Therefore, we like to show ourselves to the world and thanks to this classic sailing competition we’ve a unique event that we can and the must presume of in front of our international audiences“.
General satisfaction during the awards ceremony
During the closing event owners, crews, organizers and guests of the Regatta showed their enthusiasm with the success of the VI Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona. A success proved by both the high level of participation – overcoming the previous editions – and for the decision to approach the regatta to the coast.
Xavier Trías, Mayor of Barcelona; Marc Puig, President of Puig; Maite Fandos, Deputy Mayor of Life’s Quality, Equality and Sports of Barcelona’s Mayor Town. Enrique Corominas, President of the RCNB; and Damián Ribas, Comodore of the RCNB, were in charge of giving the trophies to the winning crews. Yanira (Classics), Avel (Gaff Rigged Class), Peter (Marconi Class) Moonbeam III (Big Boats), as well as the Enrique Puig Trophy by countries to Spain
Also attended the award ceremony: Gerard Esteva, President of the Catalan Sailing Federation; Jordi Puig, Vice President of the Real Club Náutico of Barcelona; and José Ángel Rodríguez, President of the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation.
After the prize giving ceremony, The Tall Tutsies were responsible group to enlive the closing party of the VI Puig Vela CLàssica Barcelona. The group mixes classic themes with more mother ones. It highlights for its animated and funny alive, full of performance and surprises. This unusual show its characterized for the personality of its components and dancers and for its excellent way to interact with the public.
The music of the Beatles, The Killers, Creedence Clearwater Revival, David Guetta, Rihanna, Queen or the Black Eyed Peas, apart from the own themes, sounded in every corner of the Real Club Náutico of Barcelona to end a regatta that has been able to win a privileged space at the international classic and vintage sailing yachts circuit and beat the participation record.
Absolute success of the sixth Edition
The sixth Edition of the Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona counted on the participation of 44 participating yacht, overcoming the on two sailing boats the last edition. Grouped in four categories to compete which were: Big Boats, Classics, Gaff Rigged Class and Marconi Class recognized by the M.I.C (Mediterranean International Committee), which regulations rule the international classic sailing regattas.
The only point that wasn’t unsurpassable with the other regattas was the weather conditions which were really good on the previous editions. The complex thermal situation propitiated storms on the inner Catalan area. But Aeolus marked two digits with the South on the last day, with 11-12 knots of intensity improving the 6-7 knots of the two first days. However, the three proposed races were finally completed and just a couple short postponements were required for the starting shot on two races.
The Big Boats gathered this time a 6 participant’s fleet with the Moonbeam III. Winner of the three last editions this William Five Design from 1903 rewrote its name on the winners list of the Puig Vela Clàssica with golden letters. After a discreet first day, where she finished third, the next day finished on first place and becoming the leader with the same points as the Mariquita had, and one less than the Moonbeam IV. The definitive day didn’t fail, noting a partial victory that gave her the change to close the series with a couple points over the Moonbeam IV, and three over the Mariquita.
The classic fleet, with 20 yachts, was the largest of this date organized by the Real Club Náutico of Barcelona. The obligated last minute absence of the Argos (ESP), winner in 2009 and in the podium since then, was compensated with the presence of the Yanira (ESP) now under the hands of the skipper Andrés de León, who added the third victory with the fast design of Bjarnee Aas. Though the Alba (ESP), winner of the last edition, won the first race over the Yanira, the crew members under Andrés de León orders were able to impose themselves on the next two races, while the Alba’s partials (4-2) gave her the second place at the end, in front of the combative opponents: the Outlaw (GBR) and the Emeraude (FRA), classified in this order after a tie at 11 points taking advantage of Glean’s Mael (FRA) final fail finishing fifth with 13 points.
The Marconi class gathered 11 yachts with main character as the Manitou (FRA), the Peter (ITA), the Mercury (ESP) and the Amorita (ITA). Unfortunately the Horizonte (ARG) found some strong winds at Gibraltar, which delayed her trip from South America preventing the yacht from racing the two first races. She was able to retaliate herself on the third day with a partial victory. The one who didn’t lose any chance war the Peter, who won the two first races and was pointing to an absolute win on the third race, an honor that she already got on 2011. On her wake the Manitou (winner of the last year) and the Mercury were fighting for the second place, which was finally the Manitou.
The Gaff Rigged Class stoped being the smallest one this year, from 4 to 7 yacht on its start line. Offering some really competitive duels for the first positions. While the Marigan (ESP) and the Malabar X (ESP) arrived both with two victories on the winning list of the Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona, the Avel (GBR) and the Marigold (GRB) fought to break this impressive streak. The Avel didn’t give any options to the aspirants with her partials impeccable (1-1-2). It seemed that the Marigan (2-2) was going to be the second on the podium after the second racing day, after stopping the Marigold (3-3) and the Malabar X (4-4), but after finish fourth at the third race with the victory of the Marigold, this last one won the second place on the final classification. Th Gypsy (ESP), winner of the first edition, has to shape with a fifth place.
St. Christopher, a huge and unbeatable challenge
A racing Yatch of the finest pedigree. Originally commissioned under the name of Chrismur II she was designed as a 37′ LWL racing yatch under the Rorc rating. Her original purpose was to represent France in the 1969 admiral cup.
During his time at S&S, German Frers himself drafted most of the lines and with such an illustrious heritage, this design sits at a crossroad between classic yachting and modern racing. The skeg rudder was a relatively new feature at the time, the deep V shape of the hull still gives her the beautiful sea keeping ability of a bygone era.
She has competed in quite a few fasten races when she was used as a training vessel under her third owner. Who renamed her St. Christopher.
Her current owner, Val Martin, next to his wife, Daria Cabai, both naval architects, wanted to come to the VI Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona. For this, they sailed from London to Dieppe (Normand) with a crew of jus tow people. After this trip and reaching the French coast, they started their trip to Barcelona with just the company of their dogs. The journey started on December 2012 with a large route of more than 2.000 miles until A Coruña, which was a dangerous area. The ice on the deck and the strong waveswere the most complicated challenges for the English couple. Although maybe the worst of them happened six days before the regatta, when the automatic pilot of the St. Christopher broke unexpectedly making the couple had to sail non-stop until they reached Barcelona. This meritorious task – during the competition 5 people are requested to sail the yacht – has its reward: arrive on time.
“Life’s difficult, but sailing both of us alone was actually really complicated. This trip has helped us to know each other better, but above all, has been good to know the possibilities of por yacht and how it works to be able to compete at the VI Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona”, ensured Val Martin. After the competition, their adventure keeps on going. The couple is now heading Monaco where they will then leave to the Atlantic and Latin America.
Manitou, a sailing yacht rescued by F. Kennedy
On 1937 James R. Lowe decided to order a cruise yacht able to win the Chicago Mac Race to the designer Olin Stephens. Stephens designed the Manitou, a cutter of 18,80m. inspired on the design of the Maryland Davis Brothers. Onceit was built it was launched with the name of Manitou and won plenty of races. But after the successful years of campaign, Mr, Lowe decided to sell it becoming coasts guards training boat.
It was then when the vessel catched the attention of John F. Kennedy, who got it for a presidential use. Kennedy was a good sailor and an enthusiast of sailing. He spent that much time on the yacht that he finally called it the “Floating White House”.
John Kennedy used it often in New England, but never competed uintil one day, his friend Emil Mosbacher challenged him. During this funny challenge the secret service followed him proving its speed. Due to that it became the most representative defender of the America’s Cup for the great dissatisfaction of the President.
Clasificaciones finales (trofeos)
1. Big Boats: Moonbeam III
2. Classics: Yanira
3. Marconi Class: Peter
4. Gaff Rigged Class: Avel
5. Enrique Puig Trophy: España (Yanira y Peter)